
Kommentare und Rückmeldungen unserer Kunden über ihre Golfreisen nach Portugal

Kommentare und Rückmeldungen von unseren Gästen über Hotels und Golfplätze in Portugal.

Claude et Josiane , Suisse, November 2018

Enchantés de notre séjour à Estoril

Nous sommes bien rentrés chez nous, sous la neige et avec une température de -1°! Enchantés de notre séjour à Estoril. Les prestations du Palacio sont parfaites : accueil sympathique, chambres spacieuses, somptueux petits déjeuners, bar et restaurant dignes d’un 5*, espace wellness et massages également très appréciés. Et en plus, nous avons bénéficié d’un temps splendide jusqu’à 15h samedi après-midi, soit la fin de notre parcours à Aroeira !
Un grand merci pour l’organisation de cette belle semaine ! 

Peter v.B., Switzerland, October 2018

The golf courses were in excellent condition

We had really a nice stay in Praia del Rey. Everything was as planned - as usual with your support.
- Great Townhouse accommodation (an upgrade by them) just at the driving range / Club house)
- The service within the resort was as expected
- The golf courses (Praia d'el Rey, West Cliffs, Royal Obidos) were in an excellent condition. The new ones for us:
- Campo Real - an interesting course - we like the up and down
- Troia - it is ok - the small problem were the slow Swedish flights - we had to wait a lot. It is very busy at this time. We prefer Camporeal.
- And also the weather - it seems that we bring the good weather to Portugal ….

Jan S., Sweden, October 2018

We are all grateful for your assistance

First of all, we are all grateful for all your assistance before and during our stay in Portugal. Everything went smoothly during our visit.
The transfers  were all to a great help and work out very well, especially in the morning when we get to the airport well in time for our check in and departure.
The apartment in Praia was nice. The weather, when we stayed in Praia was not the very best. 
The days in Cascais had warmer and more stable weather. Vila Bicuda was nice, with a little shop, nice restaurant.


John B., Norway, October 2018

Nice people everywhere

Everything was very good at Hotel Camporeal, nice people everywhere. The half-board was perfect all over: very good food and wine. I recommend the buffet.
The airport and golf transfers  went according to plan.
Camporeal is a difficult course but great layout. Nice people on the golf course. Got a champagne by tee 1. The golf director came and greeted us.
Royal Obidos was very nice with lovely layout, and in good conditions.

Mireille, Suisse, October 2018

Nous avons testé plusieurs de vos adresses de restaurants avec succès.

Notre séjour s’est bien terminé et nous sommes de retour en Suisse avec une sacrée surprise, la température est d’environ 15° inférieure à celle d’Estoril. Ce matin nous avions même de la neige mélangée à la pluie.
Je voulais vous remercier encore pour tout. Nous avons testé plusieurs de vos adresses de restaurants avec succès.
Nos amis ont également été conquis par l’hôtel Palacio Estoril, le golf d'Estoril  et tous les environs.

Norman, United Kingdom, October 2018

Thanks for organising a great trip

Thanks for organising a great trip, we all loved the Hotel Marina Club and Palmares golf course.
Airport transfers were fine. No complaints.

David, United Kingdom, October 2018

The hotel Palacio was superb

Just a note to let you know what a great holiday we had. The hotel Palacio Estoril  was superb –all staff went out of their way to help .A special thanks to yourself for securing our buggies (my reputation as a guide was in peril-but you saved the day). Many thanks also for your gift –very much appreciated by all. Will contact you shortly re next May.

T. Nousiainen , Finland, October 2018

Our trip was 110% successful

Our trip was 110% successful, thank you.
Nau Morgado was very nice golf course. There was excellent food, good golf courses, pleasant staffs.
Your reservations worked very good. We will come again in autumn in next year.

Lynn N., United Kingdom, October 2018

The hotel Palacio was special

Just a note to say thanks for organising our stay at the Palacio and our golf. We really enjoyed our trip there and the hotel was special. We much preferred the Palacio Hotel to our stay at the Vila Gale Cascais which we arranged separately. Although Cascais was a nice place to visit, we would probably recommend staying at the Palacio Estoril which was a very good value as the golf was included and we were able to walk the Estoril course rather than getting a buggy.
So thanks again and we hope to speak to you again next year.

Peter R.D., United Kingdom, October 2018

We had a great time

Just a brief note to thank you for arranging a fabulous golfing holiday for us. We had a great time, the Vila Bicuda  accommodation was very satisfactory and the golf courses were excellent. We ate out in the town each night in some great restaurants which was easy to access via quick and efficient taxis.
We look forward to another golf trip next year in Portugal.

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