Everything went as planned
The Hotel Palacio was 1st class, the staff couldn’t do enough, from the front door to the room, every employee of the hotel was a credit to the hotel. The facilities were also excellent (banyan tree).
The breakfast was absolutely brilliant, the golf course was absolutely great, it’s a shame our golf wasn’t up to standard!
I would recommend this hotel and course (Estoril Golf Club) to anybody, it’s one of the best golf holidays I have been on.
The only thing I would say about the rental clubs, they could be better, a couple of clubs had torn grips and parts of the club were loose, they could be doing with getting renewed.
I must also add that this holiday would not have been possible without you, do a big thank you to you and your team.
Hope to see you in the future!
We had the best time!
Just wanted to send you a wee message about our trip!
We had the best time, really enjoyed it!
Our group thoroughly enjoyed themselves and couldn't speak highly enough of the Hotel Palacio Estoril, the Estoril golf course, everything. I was especially impressed with the nice wee touch of the bag with the balls and the bag tags with the letter, it was much appreciated.
I guarantee you, whenever it may be, we will be using yourselves for future trips, the service received from yourselves was impeccable and it made the whole trip run very smoothly.
Thanks again for everything and look forward to using you again hopefully in the not-too-distant future.
Fabulous few days in Estoril/Cascais
Just a short message to thank you for a fabulous few days in Estoril/Cascais in Hotel Estoril Palácio.
There wasn’t a single thing we could find fault with as everything was superbly organised and we would highly recommend you to anyone looking for a golf break in Portugal.
Again many thanks to you and your team and we will be in touch shortly regarding next year.
Platzreifekurs bei Daniel Grimm in Estoril
Ich habe kürzlich bei Daniel Grimm den Platzreifekurs absolviert und kann ihn wärmstens empfehlen. Von Anfang an hat Daniel mit seiner Professionalität und seinem fundierten Fachwissen überzeugt. Er hat eine aussergewöhnliche Fähigkeit, komplexe Techniken verständlich zu erklären und individuell auf die Bedürfnisse jedes Schülers einzugehen.
Daniels Geduld und seine motivierende Art haben den Lernprozess unglaublich angenehm und effektiv gestaltet. Er hat stets ein offenes Ohr für Fragen und gibt konstruktives Feedback, das wirklich weiterhilft. Durch seine praxisnahen Tipps und seine engagierte Betreuung habe ich nicht nur meine Platzreife erfolgreich bestanden, sondern auch eine solide Grundlage für meine weitere Golfkarriere gelegt.
Besonders hervorzuheben ist seine Leidenschaft für den Golfsport, die in jeder Unterrichtsstunde spürbar ist und ansteckend wirkt. Daniel schafft es, sowohl Anfängern als auch Fortgeschrittenen den Spass am Spiel zu vermitteln und kontinuierliche Fortschritte zu erzielen.
Ich bin sehr dankbar für die grossartige Zeit im Kurs und freue mich auf zukünftige Trainingsstunden mit ihm. Wer einen erstklassigen Golflehrer sucht, ist bei Daniel Grimm in den besten Händen!
Thanks a lot!!!
Thanks again for excellent arrangements of our stay in Hotel Palácio Estoril and Estoril Golf course.
And thanks for the gift and restaurants tips!
Maybe we come again here in near future.
Thanks a lot!!!